"Will Dockery" wrote in message oups.com...
Pimp of the Holy Sugir wrote:
Will Dockery wrote:
"Dennis M. Hammes" wrote:
He doesn't have hangovers.
He stays drunk.
Start the day with black coffee spiked with just a nip
of Dickel and things get rolling right.
Proud of it, eh?
Just a good way to kick off the day... each to his own, you know.
I have to assume ghetto mikey starts out by lighting up
his crack pipe. Or did he go to meth?
I just got a script for Vicodin, which is kicking in now...
Did you know that Coffee is the biggest (legal) cash crop (after Oil)
on the planet.
No, but not surprising...
Fresh ground...
AJ -
http://ClitIn.Com e In.
(800 folders. -- kiddie-filtered -- FREE,
Usenet Porn.)
"Ozone Stigmata" by Will Dockery
Will Dockery videos:
Barbara's Cat wrote:
"stop typing stupid, stupid."
- Renay's advise
You mean /advice/, right Barbie?
Now available in condensed, /cat****-poetry free/ version:
You little harlet you!
SCAT "Missing Testicals"
SCAT You shouldn't have ate that day, Vonnie Leigh.
SCAT you'd ate seven Soft-Shell Taco Supremes
SCAT I want to breath your air
Ready for Hallmark Hammy's /slurp polish/.
You can see it in American exploitation...
The Oil producers we **** with using computer driven
missles... The lessor $$$ we just jerk around.