Well, the SB-240 has two 3-500Z tubes. And so says the original manual I
have for it.
All the paperwork is original and with some comments etc. written by Mike
Elliott by hand.
Mike told me that he was the man behind it.
I'm by the way also the happy owner of the very first Drake TR7 prototype,
serial no "XXX1". I got this one too from Mike. I have several other Drake
prototypes as well, the TR8 to mention one.
Sindre, LA6OP
"Dave" skrev i melding
. ..
Google search seems to indicate that the SB-240 final was/is an 8873 not
two 3-500s.
Sindre Torp wrote:
I have a Heathkit SB-240 linear amplifier. This is a prototype!!! It
matches the SB-104 line in design.
I got this one from my friend Mike Elliot (the man behind SB-104 and
Drake TR7). He is now silent key.
The SB-240 has two 3-500Z tubes, and built in power supply. I have full
documentation for it.
I have it stored in USA at the moment. I'm considering selling it for a
serious price. That's why I have not got it shipped over to Norway yet,
where I live.
I don't think there are any more SB-240 out there. I've never heard of
If you have any more info about the SB-240, please drop me an e-mail.
You may take a look at it he
Sindre Torp, LA6OP