Heathkit SB-240 PROTOTYPE !!!
Well, the SB-240 has two 3-500Z tubes. And so says the original manual I
have for it.
All the paperwork is original and with some comments etc. written by Mike
Elliott by hand.
Mike told me that he was the man behind it. I had the pleasure of meeting
him several times.
I'm by the way also the happy owner of the very first Drake TR7 prototype,
serial no "XXX1". I got this one too from Mike. I have several other Drake
prototypes as well, the TR8 to mention one.
Sindre, LA6OP
"Old Time Ham" skrev i melding
. ..
Dave Edwards wrote:
An SB230 front panel with an add on metering sup-panel!
No, looks like an SB-220 panel with a metering panel cobbled on. A
prototype? I doubt it! Worth more than a "regular" SB-220? Not likely!