THIS PLACE..............
Hello Bill Gates:
There is truth in what you say here. But let me add a few things that
would help things out here.
First off, we all need to ignore and NOT reply to the trolls and goof
balls, PERIOD! By replying we just keep the pot being stirred, we allow
it to continue.
Life is like a big super market, you can get all the wrong things, but
mostly you just keep on trucking past the crap. Same here.
I enjoyed many of the conversations here we all had and learned many
things. I really looked forward to seeing everyone's reply. It kept my
nose in the books, having to look stuff up. It was conversation that
kept us on our toes and was a lot of fun!
I remember Dennis #12, TNOM, Seen, and few others having a great
discussion on the difference of PEP and RMS power values. There isn't
any and this raised the roof. It was great. We found out that most of us
didn't know the difference and had to go look all this up. I'll bet
there was hundreds of postings and several threads. And the Trolls where
totally ignored. The Trolls even tried to participate but just ignored.
But then they tried to act civil, and join in the conversation.
Just like on the radio, CB or Ham, if they can't Jam ya, then after a
while they give up and will try to enter into the conversation. Thank
goodness for Cell Phones, hehehehehhe!
One of the local politicians was being interviewed by the local liberal
goof ball news ladies. Every negative thing she said, he turned around
and made a positive response to it. But ignored the really negative
ones, I think he asked her if the news group she was working for had
such poor ratings, was triggering the poorly thought out questions, it
was great!
Some guys try to push the Ham Radio on us, and give the impression us as
CB'ers are dirt under there finger nails. This is just human, again not
worthy of replying. Most Ham Radio guys are a great bunch with just a
few goof balls thrown in there, as is with any group.
We can have our news group back. Its just a matter of ignoring the
trolls, and getting a few more involved. And again not allowing the
trolls to be acknowledged.
I still make good contacts with friends and such here at times. And I
still get a few e-mails over the posts I make.
Jay in the Great Mojave Desert, at least thats what the restate guy told
me. But then he left 2.
Bill Gates wrote:
On Fri, 03 Nov 2006 19:19:56 -0500, jim
Bill Gates wrote:
Has gone to hell in a handbasket...
Having been here from the beginning I have seen the highs and lows but
this is the worst it has ever been. Even in the past years when the
professor argued with everyone and wanted to sell maybe 1% as much as
a davemade product there was still some sanity here. When he argued
with painkiller it was still funny. When they argued about who made
teh best amplifier it was amusing. When we discussed SWR and coax
length it was informative. When we discussed mobile beam antennas,
that was interesting... **** even when those 2 guys started that anti
keydowner club that was so amusing... But for the last 2 years I think
the only thing happening here is GAY SEX talk and what really is so
****in strange is that for one, who the **** cares that you are a
cocksucker and why would anyone on a CB group want to know. Mostly if
that is your preference... **** there are so many groups that would
love to have you discussing balls and cock stuff. Why here???
How we wish for the days of professor having meaningful arguments and
not just spamming the group. How we wish for the old timers TOLLFREE,
ICECOLDNYC, SEAN, BILL and so many more... This place has gone to hell
in a handbasket.........
*********************************************** *****
There are a good many who will be surprised by this
seasons NY Knicks. I think larry made a mistake and
how many would be surprised if the Knicks make the
playoffs and go to the second round?
*********************************************** *****
Agreed. Look at the responses which were xposted and one can see where
it comes from. You an old timer? What was you previous nic?
I told you in a previous post you know me jim. Anyway I will try to
send you an email so you know who I am.
************************************************** **
There are a good many who will be surprised by this
seasons NY Knicks. I think larry made a mistake and
how many would be surprised if the Knicks make the
playoffs and go to the second round?
************************************************** **