Radio St. Helena loud and clear
Steve wrote:
dxAce wrote:
John Plimmer wrote:
Well it's a total daylight path to you right now and if they are using a
beam Yagi beamed to New Zealand that won't favour you. Will keep listening
and hope things improve for you later when they beam to N. America.
I phoned in at 1820 and they put me on the air - first report they had and
sent greetings and congratulations to them.
Nice signal, about "S5" with the preamps off - well modulated but a bit
They played "Let it Be" at 1908! Signal is still very weak, but slowly
I'm hearing just a whisper of it now. Nothing copyable though.
You'll probably do all right at 2330 or earlier. Plenty of recognizable tunes and
station ID's at least in the 1800-1930 broadcast, and I expect they'll do the same
later on.
Seems to sign off with anthem, "My Saint Helena Island", and announcements by a
man and woman.