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Old November 4th 06, 10:39 PM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2006
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Default What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

From: on Fri, Nov 3 2006 8:25 pm

From: on Tues, Oct 31 2006 6:07 pm
Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message

Must you put on your stupid face? Can't you take a typo?

Brian, it's the usual PCTA "answer" in debate. :-)

Dipschitt trips all over a typo and can't punctuate his way out of a
wet paper bag.

Ah, but he "saved the day" at some small-time embassy when
he used morse to "synchronize his RTTYs!" :-)

He said.

...ah but not in those EXACT words! :-)

Way, way back in RRAP time, back when DejaNews had the archives
of newsgroups, Heil tried to "explain" his use of "CW" from some
small embassy in Africa (in the middle of the continent, Heil
doesn't like the phrase "middle Africa" for some reason). His
"explanation" was that the TTYs had to be "synchronized." I
told him that teleprinters had always been designed to be SELF-
synchronizing, even gave some references for the basic principles
of teleprinters, one of which was a USN teaching manual that
could be found in technical libraries. Heil tried to turn that
around as say his "schedules" had to be synchronized...but never
bothered to get into any technical details of teleprinters. [if
he wanted to write SCHEDULES as in times and frequencies, all he
needed to say was "skeds" which is not confined to amateur radio
use] The excuse was that the frequencies that State used weren't
good enough to use RTTY but manual OOK CW did work. He bragged
on that as being "good" (for him)...essentially "saving the day"
for his station at the time. [colloquial expression is some-
thing that Heil apparently doesn't like to use] The time frame
for this 'experience' of his was approximately in the 1980s.

Note that I put "saved the day" in quotation marks. That does
NOT mean (according to Miccolis) that it is an EXACT quote, but
rather an all-purpose marker; Google doesn't use italics which
could have done the marking and not all browsers support italics.
Heil (and Miccolis) want to argue the bejesus out of EXACT words,
AS IF they never ever said that, implied that, or even came
close to it. :-)

The 1980s isn't exactly in the "old pioneering days" of radio.
The Department of State wasn't exactly working with Spark Tx
and crystal set Rx equipment. A half century BEFORE that the
government and commercial users of HF were actually using
TTYs over radio (mostly at HF) and a wealth of experience was
acquired by all (not just at State) with RTTY and multi-channel
SSB (carrying many TTY circuits). That was IN the general area
of the equatorial tropics as well as in more northern and
southern areas which didn't experience as many troubles as the

Lacking any valid response, they resort to misdirective
attempts at personal humiliation about minutae that
have NO direct bearing on the SUBJECT.

They must be very, very clever.

They ARE! They tell you so, right in here!

True enough, but I think they're wrong.

As do I...but the whole point of their "cleverness" seems to
be directed at ARGUING their precious points and attempting to
"win" some on-line back-and-forth by any means possible.

Take Heil as an example: Who else in here has been in the
State Department? NONE have claimed that. With the LABEL of
an important federal arm of the government, Heil can pull off
whatever snow jobs he wants on the newsgroup; nobody here has
the background to contradict him...he thought. It was an
ideal environment for snow jobs. Problem was, there's been a
few of us with REAL radio experience in HF and other parts of
the EM spectrum...and some of us KNOW about the various OTHER
government-military comms that have and are being used. The
average radio amateur would "know" only what he/she read in
ham publications.

"Major Dud" Robeson tried snow-jobbing the RRAP with his
grandiose claims of "USMC" active duty service for years.
Same-O-Same-O kind of snow job. Robeson got shot down by
a REAL USMC veteran, one who DID supply document scans and
personal photographs. Robeson NEVER did that during the many
years he tried his bluffing snow jobbery in here.

That and the USN. The USAF and USN weren't considered
as direct combat military branches by draftees worried
silly about harm to their precious bodies. Back in the
Vietnam War era 33 to 50 years ago, that is.

Has Jim approved your use of 1973 as the end of the war, or was he
still tucking tail as late as 1975?

He might still be looking for the "correct" answer somewhere
on the ARRL website...

I like 1973, no matter what Jim thinks or says.

So does the Department of Defense of the USA...

ARRL is still promoting "amateurs in uniform" during WW II,
a war that stopped 61 years ago.

Not really. Outside of MARS I can't see any military
comms facilities using ham gear. Maybe an old Hammarlund
SP-600 civilian HF receiver that the military bought a
lot of...

The military thrives on standardization.

It MUST to deploy effectively and achieve its mission. There
is NO time to hay-wire some kind of comms gear.

BTW, those Hammarlund receivers were used in USAF-manned
listening posts in northern Japan in the 1950s according to
a retired USAF MSgt named Bob Humble.

Yeh, I was trained in meteorology which was in the "General" category,
my worst area. Somehow I managed dinstinguished grad in both the 3
level and mandatory 7 level schools.

"Level" terminology not understood. ?

1, 3, 5, 7, 9 level

1 is a graduate of basic training. 9 is full performance level for a

Okay, thanks for the info. I might have heard that bandied-
about by others but never paid it any mind. :-)

Good on that, though. From what I've seen of WX stations,
it is NOT some high school science project stuff. :-)

Military wx personnel are a lot more competent than what you're seing
on television.

I HOPE so! :-)

Since L.A. is a "saturated" TV broadcast area, there's lots of
"weathermen" on the tube. My wife and I take an average of the
weather predictions and hope for the best on the next day...they
are all off one way or another on their predictions. Can't get
the NOAA VHF weather broadcasts well in these hills.

I don't know where those guys come from although most
of them have collitch degrees in meteorology. Our biggest challenge as
Airmen and NCO's was to retrain LTs and Capts in standardized methods.

Heh heh heh. That seems to be an on-going thing in the
military for some specialties...for years... :-)

The only homegrown WX that the Army has are the ARTYMET guys. They run
up PIBALs for wind speeds and directions for calculating trajectory.
The rest of the weather on Army installations and deployed are USAF.
That's how I ended up with 2ID.

Interesting. Never paid it much mind before, but that seems

Thing was, the Army thought ALL personnel were "soldiers first,
specialists second." That's why we got to play sojer in da
woods after our regular specialist duty hours.

You gotta believe me when I say that all us USAF guys were thrilled
with USA assignments...

Understood...except by the Noserves in here who are the
severest critics...

Other than being in country, Heil has made no claims of direct action
or heroism.

As far as I'm concerned, he was just another REMF who, years
later, is playing everyone as if he were the big hero in "a
country at war!" [those REMFs are spotted miles away...]

He may have been a REMF, but I don't know.

I put him down as a REMF.

I'm good with what Heil has presented.

I'm not. He was "in" the USAF but that's all I will accept.
That military time should have been good for his guvmint
pension accumulation time, though...probably his whole plan
for his future?

Said he lives in a tar paper shack in WV. That doesn't sound like
bragging, and it's something I can believe.

I'm not sure we can correlate everything Heil says.

FWIW, I think the state dept was merely a vehicle for dxpeditions, not
a significant grab for a fat pension.

Accumulated time in government service should count for
pensions whether in the military, a government secretariat,
or the IRS. [IRS folks have a different pension system, BTW]

I think all of Marks out-assholing Robesin has finally paid off.

You might be right. :-)

No doubt. Thing is, Heil could usually claim anydamnthing he
wanted knowing that few in public venues of now would have been
in the Air Force in Vietnam. Just like there are few amateurs
who were in the State Department. Given that kind of an
"audience," he can get away with all kinds of brags...and
saying lots of generalities without going into specifics.

My favorite is his brag about working out of band Frenchmen on 6M.
What an idiot.

He is an amateur extra morseman and PCTA. I think they all
think they can say anything and be "correct." :-)

I arrived in ROK in 1979, and the switch at Fuchu was in use for wx

"Fuchu" had been operational roughly 35 years at that time.
[it is near Tokyo on the western side for those not acquainted
with military sites still in Japan] USAF installation.

SAC ain't no more now and USAF has had a rather massive re-
organization of units and mission roles.

Reorganization was the only way to manage the 50+% drawdown. By
reorganizing the AF at the same time as the drawdown, it kept everyone
confused. We didn't notice if we were screwed up because we were
hemmoraging people, or if we were screwed up because the reorg plan was

Strategic Air Command is now called Strategic Command or StratCom for
short. They lost almost all of their tankers to Military Airlift
Command/MAC, renamed Air Mobility Command/AMC. Tactical Air Command
/TAC was renamed Air Combat Command/ACC. I guess they put all their
thought into the new name for ACC.

Hmmm...modern military history of the 1990s. That will confuse
the ARRL still pushing PR about all the amateurs in uniform
during WW II. :-)

One thing good is
that the old "oil burner routes" aren't there in civilian
aviation notices...the old SAC practice runs on "targets"
similar to USSR target locations. Be thankful that MAD worked!

Almost nobody alive today knows about that.

:-) More than you might think. "Oil burner routes" were
marked on the small-format NOTAMs (NOtices To AirMen) for
civilians as advisories to stay clear of certain areas above
a specified altitude. Curiosities for me as a not-very-long
student pilot never straying far from the local area. :-)

He was in "a country at war!" :-)

I'm in a "country at war."

Well, that's what I'm told, too. By some. [it's General
Election time here...]

The smugness is a bit hard to take.

True. He sounds off like being Big and Important. :-)

Sounds to me more like frustrated and little.

But...but...but...Heil is an Amateur EXTRA and passed a 20 WPM
code test!!! :-)

Oracle is a business which didn't give up on code.

Bill Gates has an answer for your Oracle.

Very much so! :-) A few billion bucks here, a few billion
bucks there...might even add up to real money! (paraphrasing
Yogi Berra) [thanks to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
for all their many chartitable contributions worldwide!]
I just don't think Bill Gates (or Paul Allen) much give a
**** for morse "code." :-)

I think I'll send Bill an email and invite him to become an amateur.

Excellent! He could probably use a laugh.

Who knows, he just might send a buck or two to the frequency defense


I know and use a few high-level COMPUTER codes. I know and
use a few Assembler-level COMPUTER codes. Those just ain't
"morse code." :-) My little Apple ][+ can do a third of
a million "words per second." [based on the average number
of clock cycles per byte-word instruction Ain't NO morseman
that can come close to that. :-)

I'm surprised that Jim doesn't try to force Bill Gates to use morse
code as a programming language. Hell, it's digital, right???

Sheesh...the best Miccolis could do is crib the ENIAC museum
PR stuff. :-) Gates could BUY an ENIAC out of petty cash
funds. He could also buy out the whole ARRL if he desired;
any corporation doing less than $15 million per annum in
taxable income would be considered "very small" to him.

Church of Saint Bill Gates... has a certain ring to esn't it?

I disagree. In the Puget Sound area of Washington, Gates
is no saint. He BE god. :-)

Try Paul Allen, the Microsoft co-founder. Paul helped
bankroll Creative Composites, Inc., in building "Space Ship
One," the first civilian spacecraft to reach designated outer
space. Paul also helped found the Science Fiction Museum in

Think about it...hams have been saving lives for years using
morse code...Science fiction...It ties together... :-)