Philips is no longer in the ferrite business!! They sold the company
to Yaego and it now operates as Ferroxcube. The Philips cores in your
area must be available as surplus parts. Use google "Philips
Components Magnetics" and you will find old spec sheets.
You can find current toroid data and a handbook at They have kept some of the Philips part
More toroid info at and
Did you download "mini-RC Calculator" ???
This program will answer many of your questions.
tictac1 wrote:
I checked Fair-rite's site but couldn't find anything about frequency
characteristics of toroidal cores. Also, you know, as a homebrewer i
can't buy parcels of material like toroids, and I don't think that
distributor can sell small number of items, can they? Anyway, doesn't
anyone use Philips toroids, or is there no such thing as Philips cores?