Listen to CB if you want to know what ham radio will sound like.
Have you a reason for posting this message twice? Perhaps you thought the
No-Coders wouldn't get it the first time through. ( I agree...)
It is painfully obvious that a select few of you are not gifted with a sense
of humor. You take umbrage at Slow Code's comments while being unable to
read between the lines and see the tongue-in-cheek humor.
Lighten up, guys.
You go on to make an off-the-wall statement that, "and most of the clients
I've encountered with the particular problem SC exhibits are on some serious
medications." Is that so? And you are an authority on such? Take a break,
Rick. Pop a Thorazine and calm down for Chrissake!
Aw, come ON, Rick! You've gotten your sphincter twisted into a knot over a
few posts that were obviously done to raise the ire of humorless Hams such
as yourself. Lighten up, already! Do your heart a favor. See the humor.
Your last comment is the icing on the Angry Cake when you say of Slow Code,
"His type tends to have rather severe and often violent mood swings...."
And you know this, how? Did you toss a lamp against the wall while reading
Slow Code's posts? Kick your cat across the room?
I'd posit that you are being a bit moody yourself. Your current Hissy Fit is
a prime example. You played right into Slow Code's hands.
Thank you for the laughs.
"Rick Frazier" wrote in message
I finally get it...... Slow Code is the CB of these newsgroups!!!!!
Just so all get the point, (including Slow Code, who is obviously, well,
"slow" like they used to say way back when I went to high school, if you
know what I mean), Slow Code's posts here is the example of the
equivalent of what happened to CB in many areas of the country... The
absolute dumbing down and lack of any useful content whatsoever.
Unfortunately, like the typical bad apple, these areas created a
stereotype of all of the CB fraternity, despite some (though relatively
few) really dedicated and intelligent people on their band.
Fortunately, no matter what the FCC and ARRL do about whether code is
required for a general license, the ham bands will never get as bad as
the crapola that Slow Code has interjected here!!! (and in retrospect,
CB band is probably not as bad as the crap SC pumps out daily.) The CW
requirement has absolutely nothing to do with the posts SC is
submitting, just his sicko need to try to monopolize the groups and
drive off as many people as possible while attracting as much attention
as he can.
In fact, if ARRL/FCC were to announce tomorrow that 20wpm would be
required for a general license and 50 for an extra, SC would be on the
other side of the fence trying to get people to respond to get the code
requirement removed, as there clearly is no chance in hell he could ever
pass a real test (e3ven the current 5wpm). It's all bluster and
posturing, and has nothing to do with anything in the real world. I've
seen this way tioo many times before, and most of the clients I've
encountered with the particular problem SC exhibits are on some serious
medication most of their lives.... (As further evidence, note his
moniker Slow Code... If he was really serious about the code, he would
be using something more appropriate like Fast Code...)
Take care, and if you actually see the mysterious (and "affected") Slow
Code, please check to see if he's taken his meds for the day before you
hang around very long. His type tends to have rather severe and often
violent mood swings....
--Rick AH7H
Slow Code wrote:
Email the FCC and tell them not to eliminate the CW requirement.
73 de SC