Is there an easy way of coupling the phone to the coax?
Windsurfing Club:
"Denny" wrote in message
Tony, look in the ARRL Antenna Handbook... There will be short yagi
designs for UHF... A Quagi would work well and be easy to match, but
not as handy to stow away...I suggest 5 elements as the most bang for
the buck between complexity and performance... Just scale to your
frequency... Use a small aluminum tube for the boom, and bare welding
rods for the elements... Put a decent piece of RG8 or LMR400 on it and
it should play well...
denny / k8do
Tony VE6MVP wrote:
So I'm thinking about emergency communications and it seems to me that
an 800 Mhz Yagi antenna would be useful. I have one of those old
Motorola bag phones which I use when travelling in rural Alberta.
It works nice especially when on a 3' mag mount antenna on the vehicle
roof but it seems to me a Yagi up 20' might be useful at times.