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On Wed, 08 Nov 2006 17:55:25 GMT, Dave Heil wrote:
: Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:
: Saggytits Lee plagiarized from another website and added a few of his
: own comments to make it look like he wrote the whole thing again:
: Wrong. In the case of an electromagnetic field, plagiarism flushed
: Stanley, you don't know anything about it, you can't even find the
: correct ARES website for Marshall County, WV.
: Stanley? You thought I was Stagger Lee. You were sure that Lloyd was
: Stagger Lee. You were certain that someone named Chason was Stagger
: Lee. Your bewilderment persists.
: P.S., -------, what's the make and color of Roger's car since you say
: there is a webcam pointed at his garage. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!
: Nobody cares about the make and color of Roger Wiseman's car save for
: you, his imaginary friend.
I wondered why I didn't see that post until I went back an looked it
up elsewhere. It seems that the post is 661 lines long and that my
filters blocked it (they accept no post longer than 500 lines).
I must say that I'm flattered that Woger keeps a file on me which goes
back years. It shows just how much he hangs on my every word. He
probably rereads my old posts whenever he needs some inspiration to
help him get through the next day. Say, for example, that he is about
to give a talk on r.m.s. voltage or on negative SWR. Our past
discussions on those two topics could be invaluable to him.
But I may be temporarily moving on, Woger. I just discovered that
Mark Morgan wants to learn about electromagnetic field propagation, so
I'm going to help him out. When he's ready to tackle advanced topics
such as negative SWR or the calculation of r.m.s. voltage, you can
take over.
In message . com,
N9OGL bragged about his radio station with the claim, "the stations
far away say there is no signal but the audio is really good."