how much can dummy load carbon resistors stand
Solder a three watt 50 ohm non-inductive resistor directly into a
PL-259 and there you are. Use a double-female barrel adaptor as a
gender changer when needed. That will stand five watts momentarily, or
better yet, get an SWR analyzer such as the MFJ units. They are much
handier than an SWR bridge anyway. I wouldn't be without one.
73, Bill W6WRT
------------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE ------------
On 10 Nov 2006 10:50:48 -0800, "n4aeq" wrote:
I need to build a portable load to carry on the roof or tower to check
transmission lines, I know for
intermitten use a resistor will stand alot more then its rated for so
does anyone know the factor
for intermitten use?