If you go though old posts dating back to many moons ago, in this
amateur newsgroup--and others, you can easily see there is a very
defined class system to amateur radio. What may not be openly apparent
is that this is a multi-class system. Now, on the surface of it all,
one is lead to believe this class system relates directly to the class
of license an amateur holds--his knowledge, overall abilities,
personality, intelligence, etc. Yet, some within this class system
have, and just below its' surface, implemented a secondary class of
class system.
This secondary class system relates directly to an individuals ability
to produce a system of taps on a device able to key a transmitter, it is
more motor skills based than any other skill I can possibly relate it to
(like how well one can skate, hula-hoop, hop-scotch, play jacks, hum a
tune, etc.), perhaps better viewed, in the light, as someone capable of
rubbing his head and patting his stomach with few errors in
implementation of the actions and done at a good speed. This secondary
system seems to make no note or make considerations of other skills or
knowledge which a ham possesses into consideration. Indeed, a severely
limited autistic person who had a gift for such tapings, and at least a
minimal ability to communicate by verbal speech and text (brag in speech
and text?), would reign as king and be supreme leader (worshiped?) In
such a class a sheer idiot can brag of genius (and frequently seem to do
When one reads and understands the premise, goals and purpose that
amateur radio was first established on, its' charter, it can be seen
this class system runs in a perpendicular direction and fashion to the
original purpose(s.)
Interesting, and more a statement to human nature, in my humble viewing
and assessment, than it can possibly be related to anything else,
wouldn't you agree? And, when brought to this light of day and viewed
in its' entirety, it stands rather small in scope, would you not agree,
Some see this as a rather shallow endeavor and are amused by it. Others
seem to poke fun at it in satire. To others, such behavior is
disgusting and revolting to their intelligence, would you deny them
their opinions?