ml wrote:
i have a few known good hf rigs. after all is hooked up i notice over
time as i've made 'hookup' changes... that i seem to dectect rf energy
leaking from somplace
it might be the case or my coax perhaps the grounds lastly it's
possible rf is just going into the ac lines
I know this as my tv in the room hasn't changed and lately is pickng up
rf on keydown (i've isolated to not being from my roof antenna)
sometimes when rig a is on i can pick up a little of it from rig b
(even w/a bandpass filter) so it's shack related
so how does one go about finding out what i did wrong how do you
trouble shoot? and isolate
can i use a instrument? trial and error?
after all is hooked up i notice over
time as i've made 'hookup' changes...
I hope that didn't take you a LONG time.
I know this as my tv in the room hasn't changed ...
The only change you will ever see is, it grows older and outdated.
But, I am curious, what changes have you seen occurring with the tv's in
your other rooms?
sometimes when rig a is on i can pick up a little of it from rig b
Apparently, you have long arms. Why you can only pick "rig a" up in
such a sporadic fashion and time frame baffles me. Again, I am curious,
can you pick "rig b" up from "rig a" any more consistently?
so how does one go about finding out what i did wrong ...
My crystal ball is non-functioning at the moment, perhaps another can
assist you?
can i use a instrument?
Perhaps, give me a clue, are you a musician?