id theft is crime
Not Steve wrote:
The humor of this situation, if you can classify it as that, is that Mark
uses topics such as "crapathon continues" while he is the worst offender of
the group.
Don't be stupid.
Before Mark it was Robesin hijacking threads and starting attack
threads on folks who disagreed with him. All Mark wanted was an
apology, and Robesin hasn't enough humanity to give one. He's broken.
So Mark out-assholes Robesin, and somehow the rest of us are supposed
to care?
There is nary a topic, a comment, or opinion rendered whereby
Mark cannot refrain from injecting some sort of inane idiocy.
Mark is quite obviously incapable of looking in his mirror and realizing
that he is his own worst, "enema".
Dave, the punctuation goes inside the quotation marks.
Will that be Bud or Bud Light? Straight up or down a hose?
Knock yourself out.