N1MM's LOGGER program... Can be used as a simple logging program.. But
has all the bells-n-whistles you can imagine (and some you can't) if
you want to use all its features... Has a community of users who will
help you and a chat group...
And is free - not shareware, or pay me later - f r e e ....... Go to:
enjoy - denny / k8do
who has used most of the logging / rig control, programs out there, is
a life time subscriber to TRLOG, CT. and others, and N1MM is among the
John wrote:
Looking for a good Cabrillo type logging program for the upcoming CQWW
CW contest - logging each contact by hand and then transferring to a
home made logging sheet gets kinda old pretty quick...
Needs to be in Cabrillo format for submission.
Any suggestions? Prefer free or small fee (under $50).
reply here or: john _ stlmo at yahoo dot com