The Harper government's expressions of concern over Chinese human rights
issues in the past months have far surpassed those of the previous Liberal
Party administration. In September of this year, the Canadian Parliament
passed unanimously a decision to give the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader
of the Tibetan exile government, the status of honorary citizen, despite the
CCP's protest that this will hurt trade relations between the two countries.
In addition to this incident involving the Dalai Lama, Beijing is also very
annoyed at the fact that numerous parliament members have openly criticized
the Chinese regime's persecution of Falun Gong and supported Falun Gong
practitioners appeals for human rights.
In May of this year, when the Canadian independent investigators David Matas
and David Kilgour started their investigation of the CCP's organ harvesting
from Falun Gong practitioners, Rahim Jaffer, chair of the Conservative
caucus, attended and spoke to show his support at the news conference of the
investigation-a news conference held inside the Canadian Parliament
"Tester" wrote in message
On 16 Nov 2006 09:40:21 -0800, "bpnjensen"
Astro wrote:
Chinese Defector Talks about the Influence of VOA
When I've looked at the dead tree version of Epoch Times which can be
found in street boxes in NYC, I got the impression that it's
associated with the Falun Gang religious sect. That doesn't make an
article false but you should take this into account. The Falun Gang
organization and the Communist Party of China both seek each other's
destruction and, at least according to literature given out at FG
demonstrations, the CPC and the PRC government have used torture and
murder against the FG.
Does "Freegate" in the article use open proxies on ports that the PRC
government isn't watching? I believe that if you connect to a the web
port (80) of a server (and perhaps ports like 554 which is used by
Real Audio) from a Chinese ISP you have to use a government proxy
which censors out certain sites.
You could get around this by connectimg to a proxy in another
country.Spammers do this so that their email can't be traced back to
their ISP. Spammers even send out use trojans to get other people to
run proxies on their computers without their knowledge.
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