Thread: 2m usage
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Old February 11th 04, 03:28 AM
Posts: n/a

You can read user reviews of mobile rigs at URL:

Simplex frequencies are at URL:

If you get an all mode rig -- you can work SSB locally, ragchew and

During sporadic E Season -- folks make long distance contacts several
hundred + miles -- but these openings are rare. Folks typically use SSB, but
FM will do as well. And some 2M CW activity will be found in large city
areas and during sporadic E season.

Another VHF/UHF activity is meteor scatter -- see URL:

And of course there is packet radio -- see URL:

Folks here in California have worked Hawaii on the VHF/UHF bands (on very
rare occasion) -- see URL:

If one gets bored on a local repeater -- try leading conversation topics --
History, old cars, wines, food, recipes --- your interests
Example of our repeater -- Technical subjects such as SWR, Antennas, Latest
radios, Theory. Operating such as Emergency Procedures and Drills. DX.
Contests. History. Dirigibles. Old Cars. Old Timers reminisces. Old Radios.
Well you get the idea and some interesting conversations do take place. But
starting a conversation about politics or abortion with a stranger can get
dicey .

Another idea -- start a net on the local repeater -- like these --- Nets
can be of a wide variety of subjects: NTS (National Traffic System), Ham
Help, Morse Code Practice, Offroad Nets, Language nets, Youth Groups,
Sailors/Boaters, Emergency - ARES, RACES, Microwave, ATV, Facetious Group,
Field Day Planning, Swap, Trivia, YL, and many others.
Swap nets are held on some repeaters - yes it is legal to announce equipment
for sale or items wanted on Amateur Radio as long as the items are Ham
related. Since we use computers for Ham Radio, these have crept into the
sell/wanted lists.

Check the ARRL catalog for VHF/UHF Books. See URL:

73- Cambio - Keyboard To You (:-)
"Greg Doughty" wrote in message
I am in the market for a mobile 2m rig. I am looking at the ic v8000

(Kind of
fond of Icom as I have a 718 too). Anyways, I have been using an htx 420

for 2m and am getting bored with the local net. How do I know which

freqs are open and what else can I do with a decent 2m rig. Are there any
books out there concerning this. I like getting cw qso's but I can't do

it as
often as I like. So I figured a little fiddlin with a rig in the van will

good. Any suggestions?
