Old Time Ham wrote in
Slow Code wrote:
Hey man, thanks for the great idea! 
I can hook ladder line to my cattle prod and clear out a whole row of
no-coders in one shot. Empty seats for all 20wpm code tested Extra's
in seconds.
You know, sometimes you're a smart little ****-ant. Not often, but
sometimes. How's your CW practice coming along?
I like this thinking. Since I have both a 20WPM Extra AND a 2nd Class
Commercial Radiotelegraph, I would expect the no-coders to bring me food
and drink, as well.
Good point, Yes, very good point.
No-coders must go to the end of the line for refreshments at meetings.
Code hams must be served first and should take more treats than they want
and need. When all the code hams are served and there is nothing left,
no-codes get the left-over Coffee grounds and Cookie crumbs. This will
teach no-codes that by working harder to be better hams, they will not
only get more radio spectrum, they'll also get treats at club meetings and
won't have to sit on the floor with an empty stomach.
No-codes can still dig their treats out of garbage cans and toilet bowls
if they wish, but they'll have to share them with any CB'ers that might
also be at the meeting.