One thing I want to mention about that generator............there are 10uF
caps in parallel with the large filter caps on the power supply board. When
these caps dry out, the -5.2V regulator for the ECL circuitry oscillates.
This will cause numerous sidebands to appear on the RF output, along with a
dancing display that never seems to indicate a locked frequency.
"Pete KE9OA" wrote in message
Hi Floyd,
Exactly what do you need from the manual? I have a manual
for the 103D, which is the 125kHz to 174MHz model. It is a couple hundred
pages, with fold-out schematics, so it would be quite expensive and time
consuming to copy. If you just need a couple of pages, I can help you.
As an alternative, you can contact Boonton. This is their URL:
"Floyd Sense" wrote in message
I've searched everywhere on the web with no success. I need a manual
Boonton 103F signal generator. If you have one or know of a likely
please contact me. Thanks.
73, Floyd - K8AC