MAS wrote:
AFRTS Diego Garcia here in the lower Midwest with a fair signal now at
1445...I've also occasionally been hearing them lately with a much
poorer signal around 0000 on their night freq of 4319.
I think they're about the closest thing there is to an antipodean
station for a lot of the US, so always impresses me to hear their
modest signal at all. Anyone know what their power is...1 kW? 3 kW?
Passport and WRTH don't say, but I see to recall it's not that much.
I used to listen to VLW from Perth Australia on 9610 in the early
morning. I think this station is (was) the farthest ground based
shortwave broadcaster from the northeast US at about 11500-miles. I have
a QSL from them. I used the following online great circle calculator.