Kenneth Norton worked for the old Bureau of Standards back in the 30s
through the 70s. He published many monographs on propagation, and
eventually covered the entire RF spectrum. Many of his papers were also
published in IRE Proceedings, or IRE Antenna and Propagation Society
Transactions. Those papers are classics, and have all the information you
seek. Unfortunately, short of a good technical library, I do not know where
to send you to read them.
A simple start is to read the Propagation chapter in any recent edition of
the ITT Handbook, and then look at as many of the end of chapter references
you can access.
Crazy George
Remove N O and S P A M imbedded in return address
"Alan" wrote in message
.. .
Can anyone explain to me why UHF links typically are not LOS while
microwave a millimeter wave links typically
are. Does UHF propagate differently? Is it that UHF will scatter off
buildings and stuff while microwaves
get absorbed or something? Are there any good books that explain this?