Radio Shack
Pete KE9OA wrote:
I went to my local Radio Shack a couple of weeks ago to pick up a roll of
4-conductor telephone cable. I needed to make a couple of extension cables.
The salesperson told me that they don't carry such an item. When I explained
that I purchased a roll of this stuff six months ago, the manager told me
that they just don't carry such an item, and could she help me with
something else? I told her that I would look around and see if there was
anything else that I needed.
I went to one of the middle aisles and picked a roll of the cable (778-367)
that I needed, and that they didn't have in stock.
I showed the manager where this stock was kept. I guess they hadn't done any
inventory with this relatively new staff yet.
"Jim" wrote in message
That is about par for the course for Radio Shack these days. You want a
cell phone? Nope, already got one. You sure you don't want a cell phone?
They still have some pretty decent scanners and decent shortwave radios
but after that you can forget it. There are probably a good dozen of
them within about 40 miles of me and I can't recall the people being of
much help at any of them. If you are looking for hookup wire, resistors,
etc, Buddy you are on your own. Hate to see it though and frankly it
shows that we are a consumer society, not a producer society which
explains the lack of knowledge and know how that goes into the
conveniences. Not a pretty picture.