Steveo wrote:
Vinnie S. wrote:
On Thu, 23 Nov 2006 11:18:59 -0500, (I
AmnotGeorgeBush) wrote:
Skip is kicking. We're reaching into southern Cal and AZ barefoot on 38
low now. Gobble gobble...twisting in the southwind.
I got that damn Mexican lady blowing into southern NJ.
Vinnie S.
You usually chime in with the Georgia traffic, Vin. cha cha cha
I have those west coasters in my ear but not steady.
Hello Steveo:
Hearing Central North Florida, the east cost of Florida. Swinging the
beam south and south east just in the noise is Australia and some other
island stations, not readable!
Rock on!
Jay in the Mojave
Rock n Roll Fan
Distinguished radio enthusiasts type (meaning has 2 much radio junk)
Got 1964 and 1977 ARRL Handbook
Ford F250, Hi Boy, 4x4, with worlds loudest PA System, and new tires
We had Turkey Burgers at McDonnalds today, for the radio enthusiasts
gathering hour (mass argument and I told U so cession)