A Thanksgiving Day Prayer by Wm S. Burroughs
In article .com,
Bret Ludwig wrote:
kookyinjun #6 wrote:
Thank you so much for your kind words Mr. Lee.
You are indeed a giant amongst the all too
common and the redundant mediocre. I wish you
and yours a happy holiday season, although 98%
of Americans don't even know, that each and every one
of them, including the dates set for them on our
"modern" calendar by the Roman Emperor
Constantine I, have their roots in pagan religious ceremonies
that were often full of large group sexual activities
and encounters which would have made the pages of Playboy
and Hustler magazines blush with envy. I so much get a
chuckle at the holly wreaths, gold balls and Tamuz trees adorning the
altar of the Assy of God Church where my inlaws worship in
blissfull ignorance of their true meaning. Enjoy the holidays!
Before plumbing and bathing, sex was far more restricted. Oral sex was
limited to blowjobs, and then usually only when running brook water was
present or after swimming on beaches. Cunnilingus or analingus or
anything putting a head in a crotch was dangerous and revolting. Anal
sex was, even more than now, a death warrant.
Venereal disease was rampant and pregnancy unavoidable whenever
penises entered vaginas, pulling out or no pulling out. And since the
average human lifetime was barely 35 there wasn't that much ****ing one
could get in in a lifetime.
Tell it to the ancient Romans, pal.