Richard Clark wrote:
On Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:52:20 -0500, jawod wrote:
Based upon your microscopic linguistic analysis,
It is a reciprocal (analysis/expression) characteristic inherent to
successful engineering; others use tea leaves (couched in trade argot)
to present results of dubious quality.
I imagine you use a
Microsoft product (at least conversing with you is similar to using
Hi John,
You obviously have never read an Intel hardware manual (circa MDS-80).
BTW (seriously), will the new Mac products work with EZNEC?
This is something YOU should investigate. Mac now uses that
one-and-the-same Intel engine. It is suggested in the press that it
runs both operating systems. It costs more to do the same thing, but
you get that cool logo. I prefer OpenSource servers, applications,
and Linux. I haven't bought a M$ product in this millennium having
experienced the Windows Me platform (Chairman Bill's fin du cercle
joke on us all).
As I pointed out earlier, your question is answered in 10 minutes to
all variations that I offered. That analysis even gives degrees of
"better" as expressed in KHz and dB (quantifiable engineering terms
commonly used in serious antenna discussion).
As a spoiler, I will
offer that the diagonal placement seriously disrupts both resonance
AND gain to the tune of 100s of KHz and 3-4 dB.
darn, I guess forming my initials is out of the question.
Of course, the
qualifier "seriously" was meaningful only to me; that is, until I
quantified it.
You still haven't offered us what the qualified term "better" means to
yes, I did.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC
Rave on, OM, rave on. Meanwhile, I've got an antenna to put up.
Thanks for all the "help"
and by "help" I mean ...