"Zommbee" wrote in message
. ..
Hello all,
I'm hoping someone might have a 1972 QST on hand who could scan
the article (I believe on page 50) showing the 20-meter mod for the
HW-16. I have such a rig here that's already modded up a bit, so it
won't hurt to add another!
If you are able to help out, please email me at
Thanks and 73,
There were actually several modification articles in the early 1970s for the
CQ and QST - both had articles on the 20 meter mod
Nov. 1968 CQ p.117
Dec. 1971 CQ p. 72
Aug. 1972 QST p.51
Nov. 1974 QST p.20
Nov. 1975 QST p.35
May 1976 CQ p.35
BAMA good source for manuals and schematics
I am surprised that Biz, WDØHCO (HW-16 guru) -- has not yet posted a reply
to you.