Dan, all of that is in the PTO application which I have held back on
because of all the nasty comments I got from the experts before I lift
a finger. When I last explained a patented idea I has some time ago
stones were coming from all directions from those who thought of me as
a person who thinks outside the box must be looney. When I first
starterd to turn the subject around to this new aproach for radiating
antennas the harping started not only from those without a contribution
but also from experts that are much wiser than I with repect to
radiation. This time whether thru hell or high water I am going to
explain it in the simplest way possible because I know that there are
some hams throwing stones who haven't got the faintest idea about
radiation other than arranging elements in spear shape fashion and
point it where you want. Now I will tell you something, this aproach
works out using a antenna program that is related but not the same as
standard formd i.e. AO professional. A separate individual took my
figures and applied them to the NEC4 program which is more universally
accepted and where it validated my findings. Ofcourse nI could have
used the computor program incorrectly so I dug into the books to find
what I thought constituted a reasonable mathematical sequence to
explain what I found. Ofcourse By doing this I am opening myself to a
lot of name calling because over the years it has been assumed that
everything about antennas was known and the Yaqgi was king. Well I look
at things differently like looking at the cutting room floor to see
what was discarded by the producers even tho they are clips from
experts. I then take hold of these clips to try to get into the minds
of those who produced them and by learning this I apply there work
where the producer didn't. So In a way
I am trying to duplicate the originators mind and take things to the
next step which is sometimes called thinking outside the box since the
text is unwritten and one is not learning by rote....I might aded that
I offered all this to RADCOM of England of which I am a
member..........didn't see the light of day so it can still prove to be
a gastly idea from a blithering idiot
..UMMMM enough said
You'd get a lot more people who would be able to listen to what you're
saying if you drew a picture and posted it somewhere.