Hello everyone

I am looking for detailed plans for an AM loop. I will
be using it only for one frequency 1370AM so I dont want any tuners just a
simple AM Loop antenna for my AM radio. I will have to solder a 1/8 plug to
a 6-8 ft feedline to connect to my radio. It is a Kaito portable model
1103. I want to built this AM Loop cause I listen to talk radio alot and
the static and other distant stations sometimes make it hard. I have done
alot of looking around on google searches but have found no real detailed
plans I am not sure if I should go with edge wound or Spiral wound. Any
info you guys can give especially a detailed plan would be greatly
appreciated. or maybe there is a website I may not have seen you would like
to suggest. I am sure I have seen most of them atleast the most popular
ones. Anyways thanks in advance for any input
