"Don Bowey" wrote in message
On 12/5/06 2:37 PM, in article
"Spokesman" wrote:
"W3JLU Al" wrote in message
I also have mastered CW very well and have used it many times in weak
signal work on 2 meters. I have an Advanced license and never felt the
need yo go beyond if for my purposes.
As to whether I still feel it's a hugh priority, no I don't.
With today's modes of communication it does seem out-moded.
My typing is better than ever and many new modes use a keyboard. :-)
Slow Code is not a true Ham. From the time the first Ham was born
true Hams have always used the latest and newest technology. Slow
seems to be stuck back in the stone age , still using 4 pins vacuum
Some of us move on to the latest technologies, but also have a feel for
It never needs to be one or the other.
With the Internet, Cell Phones, etc; many could say "a lot" of the modes are
"outdated" - not just "CW". RTTY is a prime example, E-Mail has surpassed
that by far - yet there are die-hards who love it and use it. Same with the
other "digital" modes. Packet is even still used! Code doesn't have to go by
way of the dinosaur - but still - it is only as useful as many want it to
be. Hell, some may say 2 meters is ancient!
The catch phrase is - to each his/her own. Whatever mode you enjoy - DO IT!
Do check out the others too - as you may find you like more than one - but
don't beat someone else up - simply because they don't use the one "you"
As to Mr SC, he's never proven himself a ham - one way or another. How do WE
even know HE passed a code exam? We don't. Furthermore - the argument is a
moot point. IF the FCC drops it, there's not a damned thing we're going to
do. Also, CODE - regardless what some would like to think - does NOT keep
the riff raff off the bands - it was there LONG before NO CODES came to be.
MANY of them were Generals, Advanced and Extras. I KNOW - I was an Official
Observer and sent MANY notices. So, I don't even want to hear that CODE is
the saving grace of Ham, it is not. It is the PSYCHE of EACH OF US - to
decide to keep it clean OR not. END OF STORY.