So... What's In The Buzz - The Yellow Jacket 100' Ultimate Shortwave Antenna ? ? ?
On Dec 6, 7:18 pm, "ve3..." wrote:
amyotte wrote:
And a 125' RadioShack Shortwave Antenna 'Kit' at $8.99 + S&H
(About 1/10th the Price) - - - eBay Item # 270061663546
I looked at the description of the 125 ft and 50 ft of that 125 is lead-in
Radio Shack (now The Source in Canada) still sells this kit for about $25
Brian"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''*''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''*''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
The seven Radio Shack stores in Canada are the only stores that can
sell RS stuff. The Source, which took over many of the old RS locations
was not allowed to sell any RS product but may be selling similar
products from the same factories. This will soon be a moot point as
Radio Shack has just announced on their website that they are closing
their Canadian business at the end of January 2007 in order to
"concentrate on their core business in the U.S." Sales begin on Dec 6.
So on "Dec 7th" - Buy Canadian $$$ ~ RHF
.. .