Bit by the genny bug again, some questions.
Just the carrier. Was wanting to see if I could stretch a tube the
normally puts out 1 watt class A into 5 watts or more in class E. So
tell me, why the difficulty using a tube rather than a Mosfet? Don't
tubes and Fets behave similarly from an electrical point of view?
Similarly but not identically, and the top of the curve is what's important
in a switching application where you're trying to saturate the device. You
want something with as abrupt a transition in the curve as you can get, and
something with a huge amount of gain. But you also want something that
switches really, really fast. Tubes in general tend to be slower, lower
gain, and more linear.
Honestly, if you just want the carrier, though, it doesn't buy you anything
over normal Class C operation.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."