Radio IS ham radio. You earned buddy, enjoy it.
In a way I can't believe what I'm reading. CW is just a mode of
communication like any other. At times it might come in handy. :-)
I prefer SSB for sure, but that's not really the point.
I'm hearing grown men argue like kids.
I hope this is not where hame radio has sunk since 1976. :-(
It pains my ears to hear it.
If a ham is proficient and dedicated, does CW really mean that much?
This is being said by a guy who used to talk to my foreman, W3FUF,
(1960) who was a member of the Frankford Radio Club.
Most of their comtest work was done on CW.
I used to talk to him across the shop using the air hose. It sounded
like spark gap but it was very effective! :-)
I go with the times but will never forget CW. :-)