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Old December 8th 06, 01:52 PM posted to
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Default "Atomic" clock for UTC/GMT?

Alan WA4SCA wrote:
I have been looking for an "Atomic" clock which can be set to UTC time
for the shack. Since the update feature only works in North America,
most of them can only be set to the local time zones. The couple of
sales people I talked to didn't even understand the question. Any

My wife has bought a handful of those gray plastic digitals
that set themselves to WWV at night; I was pleasantly surprised
to find that at least two of them can be set to UTC even though
the manual didn't mention it. I've got one in my shack now,
big thing that cost about $10 at a discount store, and shows
UTC time, plus a calendar and the ambient temp. It was a very
nice surprise to find a "UTC" setting on the time offset button!
So looking at those cheap clocks in the discount stores might
bring you the same sort of deal. Good luck!

Ken Kuzenski AC4RD ken . kuzenski at duke .edu
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