James Kim: new vs old tech
I agree...here in the Northern U.S. where we (usually) get plenty of
snow and ice, we were taught to stay with the vehicle (and it's always a
good idea to have an emergency supply of food and water in the car,
especially in the winter months). In the case of an air search and
rescue, it's far easier to spot a car on the ground (which is usually
very near to a road) rather than spot a person in the woods...
BakersT wrote:
Well, the _right_ high tech gimcrackery (a "personnel locator beacon",
e.g. http://www.landfallnavigation.com/spwff1.html) would almost
certainly have been effective. And I'm sorry for his family's loss, and
can appreciate that Mr. Kim must have felt that taking action was
necessary to save his wife and children, but had he _stayed_put_ he'd be
alive today.