James Kim: new vs old tech
That is really rugged country... And even with a determined multi day
search by air and snowmobile they only found her by accident... Likely
if she hadn't had the umbrella they would have sailed right on past
without seeing her... It is sheer happenstance that any survived..
Given this coddled, technological world we live in, we have lost our
fear of nature... We walk around in freezing weather wearing only a
light jacket, get into a self heating car and drive away from the
suburban streets into rugged country with the Sirius music playing and
the kids banging on the gameboy...But when our technological tools
fail, we are totally unequipped to survive in a situation of being
stranded in a hostile environment...
Could I have made the same mistake? Maybe... But, I am the product of
Northern Michigan, I live in a rural area, I drive 5000# of 4X4 truck,
I usually wear a -20F parka, even to run to the store 2.5 miles away...
Maybe my inherent caution would have made me question that road and
turn around... Maybe not... Glad it was not me...