"Slow Code" wrote in message
The way I understand our constitution, a man creates a debt to society with
crime, once he pays this debt he is to have his rights restored; this keeps
society from creating dangerous and dark forces through abuses of its'
citizens. While I do believe special arguments can be made of the type of
crime a criminal commits, child molestation, premeditated murder, rape,
etc., in most instances the above should be followed. I think one clue is
the statement in our constitution, paraphrased here, " ... endowed with
unalienable rights by
his creator ..." This is best seen when one applies thought and sees that
any tampering with such rights immediately infringes upons ones rights to
the "pursuit of happiness", freedom and access to those resources granted us
by our creator.
I am no attorney, however, I suspect that could only be made to work against
felons who are incarcerated or on probation/parole.
Still, the logic fails me of why you would ever revoke someones license who
had been convicted of, say, a felony regarding bank fraud--felony drunk
driving--manslaughter--etc. This type of logic, once again, demonstrates
why I hold such a low esteem for some in amateur radio.
Most likely, in all cases, if the criminal had spent more time in the hobby
aspect of radio his desire to commit a crime would have been diminished!
Best we help this criminals before society suffers, rather than punish them
after the fact (and someone ends up without his/her property, or worse,