Finally got to work on the antenna this weekend. My daughter sweated a
couple of the copper joints. I think she sees this a sculpture. Also she got
to hear some of the birds as they went overhead on the scanner. This was a
big kick knowing she was hearing signals from space. Nice to know she isnt
so jaded she cant appreciate something like this.
"ve1tv" wrote in message
Make sure that your converter has wide enough bandwidth.
I built a turnstile antenna but found it almost useless. If you have
time, check out the web for quadrafilar helix designs. I used this one:
73, Kevin
JIMMIE wrote:
I want to built an antenna to receive weather images. I have done this
before using a simple dipole antenna. This time I was thinking of using
a pair of crossed dipoles and wanted to know if it would be best to
configure them as a circular polarized antenna feeding them 90 degrees
out of phase or as a turnstile antenna with both elements fed in-phase.
I have an old vhf aviation band converter that I think I can optimize
for 137Mhz use. I think the only thing else I need is a PC with a sound
card and the right software. This is the first time my daughter has
ever asked me for help with a GS project so I had better do this right.