Antenna in the attic question
In article . com,
"AndyS" wrote:
Andy writes:
I would like to hear some discussion/advice on the feasibility of
an antenna for, say, 30m in the attic versus on top of the roof...
I'm not a ham, I just enjoy the discussions here.
My two cents worth.
When we got our first TV in the 50's, my father wanted to install an
antenna but was leery of going up on the roof. I told him to put it in
the attice. He did and it worked just great.
After we moved, we did the same in the second house. No problem.
Maybe the fact that we lived about 10 to 15 miles from the Empire State
Building in NYC may have had something to do with it.
I now live about 2 miles from three 1100 ft. TV towers. The rabbit ears
in my basement work just fine ;-)
I also get audio on my telephone. Grrr!