News RNC,
The Grundig Yacht Boy 400 PE was an 'ok' Radio for it's time.
- - - But it's time has gone.
However it is still being sold under the "Grundig" Brand Name
using the "G4000A" Model Number. ng=d&hl=en&
The Sony ICF-SW7600GR is the preferred 'portable' AM/FM
Shortwave Radio by many Shortwave Listeners (SWLs) due
to it's many features especially the AM Synchronous Detector
(AM-SYNC) for both AM/MW and SW Band use.
- - - Priced about US$175.
The older Grundig Yacht Boy 500 is an 'ok' Radio for mono FM
Broadcast receiption provided that you use an AC Adapter.
- - - The YB 500 likes to eat Batteries and is only a poor-fair
AM/MW and Shortwave Radio.
- - - The YB 500 is more of a 'collector's' Radio being one
of the Last-Real-European-Made "Grundig" Radios.
You may wish to consider the new Redsun RP-2100 'portable'
AM/FM Shortwave Radio reasonable features and sound for
under US$100 - - - Sorry no AM-SYNC.
IMHO - The Redsun RP-2100 'portable' AM/FM Shortwave Radio is
big enough to make for a fairly nice sounding Bedside {Late-Night}
Radio for :
* AM/MW Radio Listening
* FM Classical Music 'rest-and-relaxation' Listening
* With an External Low Noise Inverted "L" Antenna
a reasonably good Shortwave International Broadcast
"Program" Listening 'portable' Radio.
OBTW - Listening to Radio Australia (ABC) at 9.590 MHz
just using the built-in Whip Antenna within 3-ft of a PC on
a Redsun RP2100 this very minute.
well that my two cents worth - iane ~ RHF