WTD: HV Xformer
Scott Dorsey wrote:
Mike Andrews wrote:
Note also that you'll need to remove the copper shunt, if one is
present, from the transformer laminations, _and_ that one side of the
HV winding may be grounded to the XFMR frame.
Why should the shunt be removed? I have never seen one on there, but why
should I remove it if I see it?
The HV winding on these is always grounded to the frame, but it's usually
very clear where the ground point is and it's not difficult to lift. I
would be reluctant to do this, though, because I am not sure how well the
interior is insulated.
With the shunt in place the transformer is more of a constant current
rather than a constant voltage device.
The voltage regulation will be poor. When you remove the shunt then the
primary winding doesn't
have enough turns for the 115 volts.
Good luck with the project
Bill K7NOM