Communucation concepts eb104
Newsgroup wrote:
I am currently in the process of building a eb104 kit. has anyone else built
one of these kits. What are your thought on this amplifier.
It is not actually a kit. It is the circuit board plus all the
components to populate it. To have an actual working Amplifier that
you can get on the HF bands you will need: T/R relays, low pass
filters for the bands you want to use the Amp plus a means to switch
these filters, 50 VDC 20 amp power supply, copper spreaders+heat
sink+cooling fans to get rid of the heat, some kind of enclosure with
switches, connectors, metering ect..
Optionally, you may want an ALC circuit, and an SWR protection circuit.
The MRF150s are about $80 each, I let the smoke out of 8 before I got
mine working. I built two eb104s with a combiner for 1200 watts
output, but it was a struggle. Essentially you have to come up with
your own kit. It takes about a hour to populate the eb104 circuit
board. It took weeks to have a working Amp. Good luck.
Gary N4AST