sincere lies from KB9RQZ
On 13 Dec 2006 14:45:54 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
stop the cyvber vandalism
no you keep inventing stuf like you claim I am eating you t #### or
your claim I prefer men or the my wife is male instead of female or
your fantiasies that I am child molesotr or a rapist
I never said you eat MY excrement, Morkie.
yes you did
YOU claimed you prefer sex with me, not me.
No I have never expressed a preference for sex with you
My bad...."men", not "me", although you HAVE spent the last two
months trashing the NG with that very suggestions.
That everyone INCLUDING ME presumes you to be "married" to a man
is due to your lack of a marriage license and any other evidence that
supports YOUR claim that, despite your previous claims of
homosexuality, you have now taken a female mate.
I have made NO claim to being homosexaul
Sure you have.
BB nor len presumes me married to a man nor does Dave
Gee, Morkie! YOU just thrashed Dave for presuming to talk for
others yet here you are doing EXACTLY THAT!
you post are full of your fantasies and they are sick lot lot
Not as sick as admitting to lying and being investigated for elder
abuse, both of which you have.....
I amdit that I have investagted for a flase chrage YOU made
Wasn't based on any charge I made, Morkie!
Steve, K4YZ