people in the know refer to Gegen as innovative, producing BETTER radios than Sony
"Cato" wrote in message
My radios are, Panasonic RF-2200, Sony ICF-7600D (ICF-2002), I've had
those first two radios for years, and they are still excellent
performers. I also own, Eton E5, Eton E100, Kaito KA1102, Kaito KA1101,
Kaito KA105, Grundig Mini-300PE and they are all fun to use.
A month and a half ago I purchased a Degen DE11 from a seller on
eBay along with a Degen DE31 active loop antenna. The Degen DE11 cost
me about $67 bucks with delivery. Some people say that "You get what
you pay for", and I agree. But sometime you can get quite a bit for
your money, and that, for me, was the case here. This little radio is
not double conversion. It is only single conversion. But in my opinion
a very good single conversion for its size and price. Kaito U.S.A.
sells it as the Kaito KA11 and they are identical except for the name.
That is all I wanted to hear: That settles it.
I am doing something wrong or there may be a defect in this radio which may
or may not clear itself over time. When I received it, the radio emitted a
distressing whine which over powered all signals on all bands. That went
away over time while I thought I was testing it. Obviously I will have to
await the Degen external antenna before passing my own judgment.
I ordered and received a second Degen DE11. For me they are
perfect for hiking camping and canoeing trips into the wilderness. It
is a better radio then the Kaito KA105/Degen DE105. Better then any
other radio its size or smaller except for the expensive Sony
SW100/SW107 radios, as far as I know. I know that Sony radios are
excellent radios. My Sony ICF-7600D still works as good as it did the
day I bought it, and I really enjoy it. My old Panasonic RF-2200 is a
great radio that has excellent sensitivity, and I can listen to it far
into the night. They still sell for $200 - $300 today, used, in good
condition, thirty years or more after production ended. But I
purchased them back in the time when I could afford something that
expensive. They were a costly radio for the size at the time when they
came out. But it was worth the money for me. They are good radios. But
you don't have to spend that kind of money, or buy a top of the line
brand name to have fun with shortwave. There are some good quality
radios out there that are fairly inexpensive. Yes, there are also junk
radios that a waste of money, and you have to be careful to avoid. Read
the reviews in Passort to Worldband Radio, and you will get a good idea
of what to look for, and what to avoid.
Went out and bought LowePro camera cases for the DE11's that fit
them nice and snug, give them great protection and have room in a
little pouch on the case for a spare set of batteries and the little
extension plug-in antenna that comes with the radio. A great little
radio for an emergency preparedness get-away kit. Included in our
family's kit are 2500 mAh re-chargable batteres and a fold up solar
cell charger.
I was partcularly impressed by its self-recharge feature!
My larger radios would just take up too much room, and
weigh more as well. They would have to stay behind, although I would be
tempted to try ands grab the KA1102. Size and weight are important
issues for some types of travel.
Anyone who says that this little radio, the DE11/KA11, is a peace
of crap obviously doesn't know what they are talking about, or they
have a hatred of anything that comes out of Communist China. (I hate
all forms of totalitariansim, but they are making some good radios at
good prices. God, I wish we could do that here in the western nations.
Yes, we can make some excellent radios, but at prices out of the range
of a lot of people struggling to raise families and pay taxes.) I am
not saying that it's the best radio, it's not, but it is a good radio,
maybe very good for my intended usage. Maybe some people just feel that
if you can't afford to spend $300 - $500 or more, then don't bother
buying a shortwave receive. Well, that statement is crap as far as I am
concerned. You can have a lot of fun, and listen to some interesting
shortwave broadcasts without having to spend money that you can't
afford to spend. I have owned shortwave receivers for forty years, and
believe that I have a good feel for what is a good radio.
I can't inderstand why someone would not be able to receive
anything with the DE11. Perhaps a bad unit got out of the factory. I
would go back to the store and try another one. Or check the batterys
That could well be "it"
and the Local/DX switch. My DE11 picks up all kinds of stations just
off the whip. Adding a length of wire, either plugged into the jack,
or clipped to the whip gives it a boost of course.
This is the last I have to say in this debate.
Have fun. Cato