Antenex 900mhz base/repeater antenna NIB
Boy, Porgy is a real A-HOLE today. The original poster used "FS" in his
header, which is proper protocol and it is certainly antenna and ham
radio related. What's you problem pal, did you sit on an antenna the
wrong way this morning?
Porgy Tirebiter wrote:
"Thanks......." wrote in message
Well I appreciate your "expert" opinions.
So next time I see you post an item I'll be sure to give my opinions of
your gear in return.
So maybe next time you don't post your GOD DAMN AD in a newsgroup?
Pretty stupid thing to do, people don't want to read your for sales ads
And he is right...ANTENEX is complete garbage! Overpriced poorly performing
junk for Governments that don't know any better.They will buy ANYTHING
for crazy prices.