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Old December 17th 06, 05:32 PM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 57
Default Morkie Run Amok

you will have all seen the rsults today of K4YZ obessive stalking of
Myself One KB9RQZ

There's no stalking here, fatboy.

You come here voluntarily. Any suggestion otherwise is, (as if we

should expect something else?) a lie from you.

as I said more than a year ago I would not stand for the constant
libel of Robeson and few other in NG for more than year we have been
"treated" to steve effort to wera me down under his torrent of filth
and lies

The torrent of "filth and lies" comes from Chassell, Michigan,

whe n I saw 100 plus posts on this subject from obviously I could
answer them indivualy, unlike Robeson I have life

No, you don't.

Any quick perusal of YOUR posts shows that you post everyday,
around the clock.

My posts come on "off" days and when there's nothing on the late

You're my cheap, late night entertainment.

I may have steamrolled over something other than steve diatribe if I
steamrooled over you missing your content for this I am sorry

No you're not.

Everyone in this forum, your "friends" included, have told you
your crap isn't appreciated here, yet you outpost everyone here, myself

included, 15:1.

this message will be sent multitime in hope in may survive

And there's my point. You're bound and determined to frag the NG
no matter what. You're announcing your intention to SPAM the NG.

following is at this point is the cut and paste at it full measure bit
got afdded as I noted charged made again that I wished to adress

In other words, you STILL haven't gotten it through your numb
skull that you're making a fool out of yourself, to wit:


Morkie, I will conceed that you know two things that I will never
know...What it's like to lick my excrement off of another man's
genitals, and the going welfare rates in Michigan. steve goes claiming
othermen eat his ####

Stupid, stupid stupid, Morkie...That's all I can say about YOUR
interpretation of that paragraph.

YOU have re-quoted it over 2,500 times now and I only posted it
once...Yet YOU still think it somehow has words in it that clearly are
not there.

stop the lying stop the vandalism and stop the bull at this point my
server say you have post 8o plus itme titled with #### or a synoym in
the title

Like I said, Morkie...You out-post me 15:1. Daily.

There's no vandalism. The filth and profanity are YOURS and YOURS


stop lying syaing I eat your ####

Stop claiming you have three college degrees and then clearly
demonstrating that you're incompetent in basic English comprehension.

I never said you consume ANYONE'S excrement except YOUR OWN,

An YOU have been providing the proof everytime you cite that

stop lying about being miiss quoted

I am being misquoted.

YOU keep claiming that I suggest that you consume MY excrement, or
that I am claiming that other men consume my excrement.

That's a lie.

I am claiming YOU consume your OWN!

And again...YOU prove it!

get a life and get help since you are clearly obessed with staking a
man sexualy

I HAVE a life...That's why I don't pound EVERY post of yours with
foul language and deceitful misquotes on a daily basis like you do

the truth I trick you in 1998 when you thrented to MURDER me

The truth is you've been lying since 1998 on every subjected you've

engaged in RRAP. The truth is your tales are so transparent that you
couldn't hold water with them.

stop this whining and face facts you are the one that is sick with
your obesstion for ####

You are the one with an "obesstion" for excrement,
fatboy....That's why you continually re-post that subject line and then
use that word blatantly in most of your posts.

the ruth is you are truly MAD robeson get help


and please stop the lie I have seen that you are doing ANYTHING for my

I am. I am trying to make you see what an idiot and a fool you
make out of yourself in public. These "apology" posts of yours are

and stop lying about the ToS of Google they expressly prohibit your

Stop whining. Stop being a dork that acts lie Mork. And WHAT is

Someone vandalizd a cyver? What's a cyver and HOW did it get

and stop lying about my Military service I have my DD 214 as I guess
you do likely yours list section 8 as reason for discharge

What military service?

The only thing YOU "serviced" in the military were some drunk
soldiers via a knothole in the latrine.

Steve, K4YZ