U-Know-Who wrote:
Perhaps I am being unfair, let's take, say, 30 recent past posts of
yours and see, these are COMPLETE posts containing all the text:
01) Most have spare rigs. You OTOH, well, you're just destitute.
02) Yeah, rumor is they needed someone to strike the match under the
Saturn V.
03) It would certainly be an improvement over you.
04) That's why he has such issues. He seems unable to know it's not all
05) Well SC, just open the stall next time you're on duty at your job of
restroom attendant at the hamfest. You'll have your answer. And I ain't
tippin you for that damn "Brut" cologne you hawk!
06) But SC, you're much more like the solid rocket boosters....once they
they don't stop, much like your mouth.
07) Excellent idea! Why not begin now?
08) I hear SC has a side-by-side box, by far the nicest abode behind
09) WTF is wrong with bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches?
10) Nah, you're just an idiot.
11) Mark, please man, STFU! I don't need your approval or agreement.
Just post
your drivel, and leave mine alone.
12) **** you, Davey
13) None that you'll get about those topics anyway. That being said, you
still a meddling little faggot dicksucker.
14) How 'bout that, SC? LOL!
15) Didn't you already know that, duffus?
16) The way it's stated, one COULD assume it's today.
Hopefully someone can read it for you as I don't know that text to speech
can read this PDF.
18) Most have spare rigs. You OTOH, well, you're just destitute.
19) Yeah, rumor is they needed someone to strike the match under the
Saturn V.
20) It would certainly be an improvement over you.
21) That's why he has such issues. He seems unable to know it's not all
22) Well SC, just open the stall next time you're on duty at your job of
restroom attendant at the hamfest. You'll have your answer. And I ain't
tippin you for that damn "Brut" cologne you hawk!
24) But SC, you're much more like the solid rocket boosters....once they
they don't stop, much like your mouth.
25) Excellent idea! Why not begin now?
26) WTF is wrong with bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches?
27) Nah, you're just an idiot.
28) Mark, please man, STFU! I don't need your approval or agreement.
Just post
your drivel, and leave mine alone.
29) **** you, Davey
30) The way it's stated, one COULD assume it's today.
Hmmm. Do you think it is unfair I consider you an idiot, really?