BAMA Notice
Antonio Vernucci wrote:
Notice: Effective January 1, 2007, BAMA will add only manuals with a
direct connection to the tube era of ham radio. Only manuals for
amateur radio transmitters, receivers, antenna tuners, antennas,
keyers, etc. will be added to the collection.
Why not also require that diagrams must be properly scanned. Many diagrams on
the site can hardly be read.
To be entirely fair, many of the originals weren't widely available in
good quality either.
Many times I have an old photocopy of an old photocopy of an original
schematic, and I can't read the part values either. Sometimes the
originals (especially for ham equipment, not so much for test
equipment) that came in the manuals were barely readable too.
People tend to use lossy compression methods (jpg, djvu) that are generally
unsuitable for schematic diagrams.
This is certainly a huge factor. Look at the scan qualities at for example and you see that careful attention to
scanning and lossless compression are very worthwhile goals.