Returning to the 11 meter hobby :)
I am interested in returning to this hobby after many years out.
In this time I have tried to get interested in taking the ham ticket
but too many of the attitudes are stuffy and I find the contacts I used
to make on SSB on 11 meters a lot more enjoyable.
I might add that some of the 11 meter dxer operators could teach a
thing or two to the hams about operating and general friendliness and
basic politeness.
I am off restricted space for aerials and I am thinking of a loft
Are there any other aerials, loft mounted new on the market that give
good performance on 11 meter SSB , I am not aware of.
I was last on the air at the end of 1986 on 11 meters and wish to
I have been disillusioned with wanting to become a radio amateur due to
attitudes amongst the stuffed shirts !!!
There are never any decent QSO's as I had back in the day.