OK, just to clarify a point I made below AND a few times - the bad operators
I spoke of - were NOT in the CW portions of the bands - they were operating
SSB. Still - they were BEFORE NO CODE was even brought about.
The majority were General class and above - CW 13 or 20 WPM operators. So -
maybe CW kept the CW portions clean - but it had little effect on the SSB
frequencies. So, I still believe that CW did little to keep the bands
"tjbitt" wrote in message
I beg to differ, but the CW bands are a lot cleaner than the phone
bands....listen to any of the squid-bait on the lower phone bands.
There are good and bad cw and phone operators, but I find much better
operator skills and civility in the cw only portions of the bands. Most
cw operators don't find the need to banter, nitpick, name-call, harrass
and the like . I use phone and cw and admit to preferring cw, but now
that the phone bands have cut into the cw portions of the band , now I
will have to deal with less space to operate in unless I work around
the splatter and garbage generated by more useless phone nets and
banter.....my 2 cents----Ted---KQ4MZ
On Dec 15, 10:35 am, "Radiosrfun" wrote:
"Smokey" wrote in
I believe the points made in the Fedup postings are pretty good. It
seems like everytime
anyone objects to anything they are immediately labeled as
hate and
Truth is, no endeavor of betterment has ever NOT started with self
I do agree with the writer that hams have become hot house orchids
Why should anyone not agreeing with you need to find a new hobby?
gives you more rights?
Finally, for crying out loud, can using contrived words like
what you mean and mean what you say. If you mean "ass," say ass.
The only thing that truly "ails" the amateur radio service is those
who are committed to spreading messages of hate and prejudice against
those who choose a path for getting their license that said spreaders
don't happen to like.
If you're no longer happy with the HOBBY, then find another one.
Don't let the door hit you in the arse on your way out.Oh, I don't
know..... I think you "both" may have some points. No one should
be "forced" from the hobby - however - there are those whose apparent
of CW still think it is the saviour of the world and the hobby - it is
CW is being used as a wedge to cause a deep divide amongst our ranks.
who LOVE it and think it needs to stay. Those who had it but don't use
Those who have yet to break into Amateur Radio. Should those like the OP
this thread be forced from the hobby due to their opinions? NO - but then
neither should new folks interested in becoming hams - based on their
of interest for "CW". CW has NOT kept the bands clean as some have tried
impress upon the world. It is time you admit that.
As for "finding" a new hobby..... that reminds me of so many who always
"I HATE MY JOB". OK - so go get another one! Case in point - bus
drivers - I
knew a few who couldn't STAND working with the public. Well - you chose
WRONG field. Go find a job you'll be happy with - then YOU will be happy,
your fellow employees will be happy - your family, etc. No one will have
hear your whining. AND those you couldn't stand - won't be there -
IF you can't stand it because "CW" is being outcast - well - there is NO
easy out - there. It is a fact of life - we must accept. So, either LIVE
WITH IT - OR - DO find something that won't "frustrate" you - due to
changes. After all - WHAT GOOD - is a hobby or JOB - if you can no longer
"enjoy" it? It makes no sense to stay in it - if all it does is cause
and hardship. There is NO sense arguing with fellow hams and casting
aside showing interest - JUST BECAUSE a mode is being antiquated. That is
doing no good for the hobby OR any "person". CW isn't "THEE" answer to
the Ham problems existing - real OR imagined.
Kids today don't take to hobbies like US older people did. They're not
led down the paths - be it by parents OR teachers - to DISCOVER. In the
10 years, I've "rarely" heard of any "Science Fairs" - which as
children -
most of us were implored to submit entries for. Most shop classes are
shutting down - at least here they have. The ONLY source of electronics
see here now - is IF they go to a Tech school or the military after
graduation. Even the Vo-Tech schools are left for those with a "C"
or better - which sucks. Children "have" to fit in educationally -
SOMEWHERE. Maybe they're not that great at History, Math, etc. Maybe -
many others - they have a knack to learn what "does" interest them - be
"Mechanics", "Electronics", "Electrical". I know many who failed school
are damned good at their respected jobs of those just mentioned. They got
there by learning as a CHILD then progressing through other courses they
could take - even if it were "night" classes that they could "pay" to
at the "Vo-Tech" schools.
So - if kids today aren't being shown anything to spark their interest
they don't touch electronics til they get it in Tech school or the
military - and I'm talking "in depth" - NOT using IPODS, COMPUTERS, MP3s,
CELLS - without getting inside them - then by that time - they've WASTED
many good "learning" years.
Bush talks of "no child left behind"! I have news for him - MANY ARE -
around here - the emphasis is on FOOTBALL - to hell with Academics. AGAIN
say - of say 10 graduating classes - hundreds of students - DOZENS of
football players OR basketball/baseball for that matter - "MAYBE" one
gets a
scholarship to college for FOOTBALL (or the others) and MAYBE he may go
the pros. I've known MANY good players and they went no further than high
school. These players were touted as great by coaches, parents, umpires,
They're working for a living just like the rest of us. With our
system NOT pursuing the arts of metal, electrical and so on - we will
eventually fall behind in skills. History, Math and so on - are great -
not knocking them - but SOMEONE has to learn the skills!
CW is DEAD. CW has gone the way of smoke signals and war bearing tom
Fighting for the survival of CW is like fighting to keep a person alive
eternity - it ain't happening. Accept life and move on. There is NO sense
making enemies over something so ridiculous - especially with those you
don't even know.
You LOVE CW? Fine - USE IT - contact anyone you can on the bands in CW.
ENJOY IT! No one is forcing you to NOT use it or enjoy it. Personally,
not into CW - but I do tune in once in a while. But I'm not going to tell
others to NOT use it or learn it - that is a matter of personal choice.-
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