SWR and resonance measurements without an MFJ269 or equiv.
On Mon, 18 Dec 2006 15:08:17 +0000 (UTC), "Mike Andrews"
Some friends and I have been looking into making antennas for 70 cm.
and higher frequencies, but we don't have an MFJ-269; my MFJ-259 tops
out at 175 MHz. I _do_, however, have an SWR meter that supposedly
works up to 500 MHz( and maybe higher), and an HP 8640B that is good
to about 1.2 GHz.
If the SWR meter is sensitive enough, could I get at least ballpark
SWR values using the 8640B as a source, running the signal through
the SWR meter to the antenna? Or am I way off in left field?
You can achieve a lot on 70cm with an HT and a simple field strength
meter. Think matching stubs & shorting bars...
John Ferrell W8CCW